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Level 4
Make it happen

Draw it, make it, plan it or program it. Do whatever it takes to bring your amazing idea to life.

Firestomers are a team! Work together to make something that explains your idea
Create a prototype

You Firestormers now need to work together to build your idea into a scale model that shows what it can do and how. Or if your big idea is simply a way of doing things better, you might want to create a presentation that explains it all.

If you come across a problem along the way, that's fine! Just put your heads together to come up with a solution.

Hey Firestormer!
Ask your teacher for help with construction if you need it. Teachers are really good at helping!
Need more intelligence?

If you need more info to get your prototype off the ground, check out the FAQs or ask your teacher to ask someone at the NSW Rural Fire Service.

Here's some questions from other Firestormers we can answer right now:

Can you blow out a bush fire like a birthday candle?

How can satellites help detect fires?

How do drones and manned aircraft work together?

Check out all FAQs

Hit the button when you've completed Level 4
Well done! Level 4 complete!
It's good to have you back

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If you've moved schools since first registering, please complete an all-new registration under your new school.

Project Firestorm learning resources

Register here to access a wealth of resources that support your mission to teach bush fire preparation, response and recovery.

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